Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Setup eclipse & android project for aspect oriented programming(AOP)

Pre-req: you should familiar with eclipse, know android programming and have knowledge of AOP.

Hi guys,

           Software development with Aspect oriented programming(AOP) is very popular these days. Because it is easy use and apply. And we can achieve good level of modularity and re-usability in our software architectures.
So I decide to deliver a presentation in my office. While preparing presentation I am writing this blog. The idea of my presentation is to introduce AOP and explain it with a demonstration (Sample), My sample will show how we can use AOP in android development. I will surly write blogs on android development with AOP but step by step.

AOP is also useful in enhancing legacy systems. By that I mean if you dont want to change existing code of system then create new modules in AOP. It will help you to keep separate no code with old one.

So lets start with step up eclipse and create a hello world android project with AOP.

Install AOP tool for eclipse:

1) Open eclipse and go to eclipse market place. Type AJDT (AspectJ Development Tools) in search bar. Choose respective plugin for eclipse. I am going to use Aspectj for compilation.

2) For example for my juno eclipse it is

3) Download and install then restart eclipse

Create android project:

Assuming you guys know how to create android project.

Fix android project for aspects

1) Right click android project and go to Configure and then Convert to AspectJ project. By doing that compile time errors will be remove and you can start creating aspects.

2)  Know create a prospect , I am creating aspect to print some words on start and end of onCreate() function in activity

3) Right click and run android project , you can see the printing in logs below