Pre-req: You guys can use Setup Blog post for setup. First of all create a android project and add PhoneGap stuff into it. Then inside asset/www/css & asset/www/js
copy the jquery mobile js and css file.
In this tutorial i am giving tips to speed up you native app
1) Put you script code at the end of </body> tag.
2) Integrate the jquery function with phoneGap function for example in my code app is consuming JSON from a PHP server. I used
3) PhoneGap application takes time on startup. A black screen appears for few seconds. To avoide that use a splash screen.
On DroidGap Activity. use
For activity loads before this time use blow code in index.html
4) Avoid jquery mobile nvigation transition. If you can.
Source code is available.
copy the jquery mobile js and css file.
In this tutorial i am giving tips to speed up you native app
1) Put you script code at the end of </body> tag.
2) Integrate the jquery function with phoneGap function for example in my code app is consuming JSON from a PHP server. I used
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);onDeviceReady(); is provided by phoneGap.
function onDeviceReady() {
3) PhoneGap application takes time on startup. A black screen appears for few seconds. To avoide that use a splash screen.
On DroidGap Activity. use
super.setIntegerProperty("splashscreen", R.drawable.images);It will show the splash screen instead of black screen for 10000 ms.
super.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/www/index.html", 10000);
For activity loads before this time use blow code in index.html
function onDeviceReady() {
cordova.exec(null, null, "SplashScreen", "hide", []);
4) Avoid jquery mobile nvigation transition. If you can.
$.mobile.defaultPageTransition="none"5) Compress your js & css files. Use any Compressor. i.e I found yui compressor awesome.
Source code is available.